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West Africa


The country’s cultural highlight, Dakar, is home to beaches, boutique markets (we recommend Tilene Market), museums, excellent cafés and concert halls such as Thiossane, which is famous for...


As a major port in Sierra Leone, Freetown is the commercial center of trade in platinum, gold, diamonds and oil. It is also known as the home of Fourah Bay College, established in 1827 as the first...


Ghana supplied most of the slaves. A visit to the dungeons shows the contrast to the governor’s bedroom, with floor-to-ceiling windows and panoramic sea views. There is also a museum describing...


Guinea is one of West Africa’s most well-hidden jewels. Blessed with a beautiful landscape, it is a natural wonder. From lush rainforests and savannas to waterfalls and towering mountains to...

Ivory Coast

Inden for det sydlige for Sahara er landsbyer og etniske grupper spredt vidt og bredt, hvilket giver den udenforstående vidunderlige glimt af deres pulserende kunst, arkitektur og skikke, håndværk og...


Everything you love about Lagos is probably everything you hate about it, but that’s what makes the country’s most commercial and populous city appealing. Culture, business, innovation...


Monrovia is the city of colors. Act? fill suitcases with fanti clothes, wood carvers, black mahogany masks and intricate mini-statues made from used cartridges from the Civil War. Surfing? Unlike the...


Lome is the capital of the country Togo and one can not visit Togo and not visit Lome. Lomes streets are filled with lively markets, friendly people and great food.The historical museums and the very...