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The second largest city in Slovakia has everything you can look for for the perfect city holiday: beautiful monuments, interesting history, great day trips and Central European charm. … And the best part – Kosice gives you something for your money!


Košice, Slovakia’s second-largest city, boasts a captivating blend of historical charm, vibrant culture, and a unique urban energy. Here’s a glimpse into the common and unique experiences that await you in Košice:

Common Experiences:

  • Dominate St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral: Marvel at the imposing St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral (Dóm Svätej Alžbety), the largest church in Slovakia. Admire its Gothic architecture, climb the tower for panoramic city views, and soak up the sacred atmosphere.
  • Historical Center Exploration: Wander through the charming streets of Košice’s historic center. Explore the pedestrian-friendly Main Square (Hlavné námestie) lined with colorful buildings, visit the Gothic St. Michael’s Chapel, and discover hidden courtyards brimming with character.
  • Singing Fountain Delight: Relax in the Main Square and be mesmerized by the Singing Fountain (Spišská Psie Ulice). Enjoy the synchronized water jets dancing to classical music, especially during evening performances.
  • East Slovak Gallery Immersion: Delve into the world of Slovakian art at the East Slovak Gallery (Východoslovenská galéria). Explore exhibits showcasing both historical and contemporary Slovak art, with a focus on regional artists.
  • State Philharmonic Orchestra Performance: Immerse yourself in the cultural scene with a performance by the Košice State Philharmonic Orchestra (Štátna filharmónia Košice). Enjoy classical music concerts held in the stunning Reduta building.

Unique Experiences:

  • Urban Art Adventure: Discover Košice’s burgeoning urban art scene. Venture beyond the main tourist areas to explore hidden gems in neighborhoods like Kulturpark and Džungľa. Look out for murals and graffiti installations depicting social commentary and artistic expression.
  • Košice Zoo Encounter: Embark on a family-friendly adventure at Košice Zoo (Zoo Košice). See a diverse range of animals from around the world and explore themed enclosures like the African Savanna or the Monkey Island.
  • Steel Factory Transformation: Witness the remarkable transformation of the former U.S. Steel Factory into a vibrant cultural hub. Explore the Kulturpark complex, hosting art galleries, museums, concert venues, and trendy cafes.
  • Biking the Hernád River: Enjoy a scenic bike ride along the banks of the Hernád River. Rent a bike and explore the surrounding countryside, stopping at charming villages and enjoying the fresh air and natural beauty.
  • Day Trip to Slovak Paradise: Embark on a day trip to Slovak Paradise National Park (Slovenský raj), a paradise for nature lovers. Hike through breathtaking gorges, explore waterfalls, and experience the thrill of ladder climbs and wooden walkways.


Košice offers a captivating experience for travelers seeking a blend of historical exploration, cultural immersion, and unexpected discoveries. From its charming historic center and impressive cathedral to its burgeoning art scene, rejuvenated industrial spaces, and natural beauty, Košice provides a taste of Slovakian culture with a unique edge. So pack your bags, embrace the Košice spirit, and discover the magic of this captivating city!

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